Electronic Enclosures & Boxes

We have available a varied selection of molded Electronic Boxes and Enclosures to fit your project needs. From simple small plastic boxes that will hold a simple circuit to larger, gasket sealed Electronic Die Cast Aluminum Boxes, even tote cases to store your projects. Our Plastic Enclosures and Boxes are ideal for all those electronic circuits you need to provide minimal protection and are available with & without lids or covers and can be used for potting circuits. To protect from to dust & moisture use our IP65 Sealed Plastic Enclosures. Plastic Instrument Enclosures provide you with an attractive and economical showplace for your specialty test instruments or circuits in an easy to modify form. Use our Die Cast Aluminum Boxes when you need to shield your circuit from RFI. For outdoor or indoor areas subject to dust, debris, moisture or rough handling; use our IP65 Sealed Plastic Enclosures with the gasket seal to protect the circuit from damage. An Extruded Aluminum gives you the ability to have attractive product, structural strength as well as full function protection of your product. Electronic Boxes & Enclosures, IP65 Sealed Enclosures, Die Cast Aluminum Boxes We have available a varied selection of molded Electronic Boxes and Enclosures, IP65 Sealed plastic enclosures & gasket sealed Electronic Die Cast Aluminum Boxes to fit your project needs. Electronic Boxes and Enclosures, Die Cast Aluminum Boxes, IP65 Sealed Plastic Enclosure

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